Welcome to Harbor Oaks Golden Years




158 Farmbrook Rd Port Orange Florida 32127

Visitation Policy


POLICY: The intent of this policy is to ensure that Residents have access to visitors of their choice and visitors and facility staff work together to ensure a healthy environment.

OVERSIGHT: The Facility Administrator maintains overall responsibility for the implementation and oversight of these policies and procedures. Facility Administrator will ensure that facility staff are trained during orientation and on an ongoing status as needed.

DISSEMINATION: The Facility Administrator will provide copies of this policy and procedures to Residents/Responsible Party upon admission. A copy along with educational information will be posted by the main entrance, with individual handouts available at that location as well.


1) All residents who live in this facility will be encouraged to have visitors who support their physical and/or mental well being. Residents will always maintain the right to make decisions as to whom they want to see (visit with) and for how long in alignment with Florida Resident Rights. Facility staff will honor the residents choices. Persons representing Federal, State and Local authorities may have access to residents in the performance of their duties during and before and after visiting hours.

2) The Facility has set up visiting hours that support the residents needs and the security of the facility. These hours are from 9AM to 9PM each day. Residents also have the right to unrestricted private communication, including receiving and sending unopened correspondence, access to a telephone and visiting with the person(s) of his or her choice. There is no time limit placed on length of visits as long as the rights and comfort of other residents are not compromised.

3) Variances to these hours will be made by the facility for a Resident or Resident Representative for an Essential Caregiver or other visitor who is unable to visit during normal visiting hours with the permission of the resident and notice to facility staff.

An Essential Caregiver is designated by the Resident or Resident Representative. This may or may not be someone who provides physical care to the Resident. Provider will not require an Essential Caregiver to provide care, but will support them to assist Resident if they are able and choose to do so. Resident/Resident Representative will be asked upon Admission whom they would like to designate as an Essential Caregiver and will document this information and contact information in the resident chart. Facility staff will be informed of Resident choices in this area to support that relationship.

4) Visitors are asked to respect the privacy and personal needs of other Residents and roommate (in a shared room). If in a shared room and the other resident is resting or requests privacy, the Facility will provide another place to visit if acceptable to all parties.

There is not a limit on the number of visitors a resident may have. The facility will work with residents and visitors to accommodate visitors as much as possible. Visitors are encouraged to communicate with staff ahead of time, if possible, if a larger space will be needed to accommodate a larger group. The facility will gladly assist visitors to provide space and assist with special Resident events.

5) The Facility will provide hand sanitizer at the entrance and in general activity areas for use by visitors and residents. Visitors will also have access to bathrooms for handwashing. Facility will have gloves and masks available for use by visitors if requested by the visitor.

6) No Resident or Visitor will be asked to wear Personal Protective Equipment ( masks, gown, gloves), unless there is physician order specific to the Resident being visited. These orders should be specific to the resident and what PPE is ordered, and have a specified timeframe for use. Residents with a physician order for PPE will only be asked to wear it in general public.

Facility Administrator will be responsible to clarify the timeframe and specifics from the Medical Provider relative to any orders for the Resident or Caregivers Visitors which involve PPE for that specific resident.

Residents have a right to refuse to wear a facial covering even if their physician has ordered it (Florida Resident Rights). The facility will then work with the residents to minimize the risk of any period of potential transmission.

Visitors and Staff have the right to opt out of wearing facial covering, even if ordered for a specific resident.

7) This Facility does not mandate vaccinations for residents/staff or visitors, but does reserve the right to screen all visitors and staff upon entry to the facility for signs and symptoms, including temperature.

8) There are no restrictions related to residents and visitors having physical contact during the visit. Sexual behavior is not covered in this policy.

9) If the Facility maintains a website, this policy and procedures will be posted to the site in a page accessible either on or from the home page.

10) This policy is subject to direction and oversight from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), Florida Department of Health or other Authorities having jurisdiction in the even of an emergent event, either site, community or state specific.


Harbor Oaks Golden Years

The following are general tips to assist in supporting you and the residents during your visit.
There is a copy of the facility policy and procedures regarding Visitation at the front entrance as well as additional educational information relative to maintaining good health.
Please feel free to ask questions and express any concerns to a caregiver or ask to speak to the Administrator to clarify anything.

1) Feel free to use the hand sanitizer at the front entrance and general common areas to maintain dean hands during your visit. We have posted general handwashing posters for additional guidance in this area.

2) You are also welcome to use our bathrooms during your visit where there is antibacterial soap available for handwashing.

3) We ask that you utilize a tissue or cough or sneeze in your elbow if possible to limit the spread of germs.

4) Upon entering the facility, we may ask to take your temperature as part of our process to maintain a healthy environment for all. If you know you are ill or have a fever, we would ask you to please reschedule your visit until you feel better. If you would prefer to continue with visitation, we will work with you to support you and the resident during the visit.

5) The facility does maintain a supply of face masks, gloves and gowns that you may request at any time during your visit. We will not require you to wear any of these.